Atopic Eczema.

Atopic eczema.

Atopic eczema is the most common type of eczema and is usually inherited. In this type of eczema there is a typical pattern of skin inflammation, and it can affect children and adults.

Atopic eczema can flare up and then calm down for a time, but the skin tends to remain dry and itchy even in between flare ups.

The word atopic describes people with certain allergic tendencies. People who suffer from atopic eczema have a greater chance of developing other atopic conditions like asthma or hay fever.

Atopic eczema symptoms.

The symptoms of atopic eczema will vary according to how severe your current condition is. The symptoms may always be present but mild, however they may become more extreme at times when a flare up occurs.

It mostly affects parts of the body where the skin creases, such as the backs of the knees and the front of the elbows, as well as the feet, hands and face.

Atopic eczema can flare up and then calm down for a time, but the skin tends to remain dry and itchy even in between flare ups. Flare ups can last for several weeks, or much longer, and can cause great distress to the sufferer.

Atopic eczema causes.

The exact cause of atopic eczema is not known at present; however it often occurs in people who are prone to allergies.

Another common factor is that the oily barrier of the skin is usually reduced in people who suffer from atopic eczema. This then leads to water loss which usually results in dry skin.

In addition, a number of cells in the immune system release chemicals under the surface of the skin, which can cause inflammation.

Natural Eczema Cure Revealed Natural Eczema Cure Revealed

Learn more about Atopic Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.

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Wishing you the best,

Stuart Johnstone.


Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2009.