Archive for the ‘Known Irritants’ Category
scratching in sleep
Constantly itchy skin is one of the worst things about my eczema. In general I have enough willpower not to srcatch during the day, but at night I can’t control scratching in my sleep! When I wake up every morning I am covered in fresh cuts and scratches and it is really demoralizing…. not to mention extremely sore!!!
Can anyone tell me how to stop scratching in sleep?
Eczema and food
I have been told that certain foods can aggravate eczema, is this true?
What foods should I avoid with my eczema condition?
eczema and tattoo
I want to get a tattoo but im worried that getting a tattoo will cause my eczema to flare up or become infected.
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Many of my visitors email me asking about known irritants which cause eczema to flare up.
Please feel free to share YOUR experience with us.
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