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"My eczema vanished within weeks of reading this eBook and putting it to use"
M.S. - Scotland

"What an amazing book, packed full great of information. I can’t wait to read my way through it all!"
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"Thanks Stuart, your ebook gives such a simple solution. Since using your method I’ve been eczema free for more than 5 weeks now. My life has completely changed for the better."
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Archive for the ‘Eczema Treatments’ Category

Eczema around eyes

Kathleen asked:

I have eczema around my eyes and i dont know how to treat it. Im worried about using normal creams for eczema around eyes in case they do any damage to my eyes, can anyone advise me please?

Apart from it being sore and itchy, it looks horrible and makes me very self conscious!

Natural Eczema Cure

New developments in severe eczema treatment

Shirley asked:

I suffer from severe eczema and it makes everyday life difficult. Most days I’m in pain from the cuts and really dry cracked skin. Does anyone know of any new developments in eczema treatment?

eczema cure?

hdtv asked:

is there an eczema cure?

in particular have scientists found a cure for eczema?

Natural Treatment for Eczema

best eczema cream

Ash asked:

What is the best eczema cream available?

I have tried lots of different eczema creams with no success.

Dry Flaky Skin Help

eczema and acne on face

Steve O asked:

Eczema treatments make my acne worse, and acne treatments make my eczema worse!

Can anyone offer any advice?

Itchy Skin Help

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Eczema Cream.

Eczema Cream Information.

Many times when someone has eczema they need to treat it with some kind of eczema cream (or ointment).

There is more than one kind of eczema cream available that can be applied to relieve the itchy rash associated with eczema. Below is some information on the various creams to help you know which one is right for you.

Moisturizing creams are always beneficial for fighting off the dryness that can occur with eczema. Many good brand name creams are available on the market today. Apply these creams or ointments after showering to add moisture.

Steroid creams are also used for the itching of eczema. These are also effective at keeping the inflammation down. Apply over the affected area usually just 2 times per day (the frequency should be determined by your medical practitioner). There are various strengths of these steroid creams and ointments.

Some of these can be bought over the counter, while others are only available through prescription. Long-term use of steroids can cause bad side effects. Some side effects include a change in the thickness of skin, or you skin’s color changing. So make sure to use as advised.

Then you also have the immunosuppressing effects of Elidel cream and Protopic ointment, which can be useful in hard to deal with cases of eczema. But these should not be used unless absolutely necessary, especially as they carry a warning against cancer. Also other skin infections could occur because these drugs work by suppressing the immune system.

Antibiotics are occasionally needed if the eczema becomes infected. These infections can even be caused by the Staph bacteria that is naturally found on the skin and other surfaces. If antibiotics are prescribed they usually have to be taken from 14 – 28 days. You may have to have ongoing antibiotics if you are constantly suffering from these infections.

There are gel products that contain coal tar which may lower the need to use the topical steroid creams. However, some of these products may irritate the skin if they have alcohol in them, so read the labels before use.

Other Eczema Treatments.

  • Other treatments can be used along with the creams or ointments. Corticosteroids lessen the severity of the flare-ups along with lessening the itchiness of it.
  • Light therapy using either PUVA or UVB ultraviolet light can help with the chronic cases of the various forms of eczema. This is usually used for the times that other treatments don’t work . Treatments using light therapy are sometimes given several times a week.
  • Antihistamines are great for reducing the itchiness of the affected area. Taken orally these help reduce the aggravation that the itchiness causes. You should try not to scratch the eczema as it makes the flare-up worse.

Whether you use eczema cream or one of the other treatments, use something that helps relieve your eczema symptoms. Don’t go around with this condition without doing something about it. Soothe and heal your skin to keep the flare-ups down to a controllable level. You may not be able to totally cure yourself of the eczema, but you can most certainly make yourself more comfortable with it.


Natural Eczema Cure Revealed Natural Eczema Cure Revealed

Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.

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Wishing you the best,

Stuart Johnstone.


Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2009.

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Eczema Treatment Options.

Which Eczema Treatment is Right for You?

When you suffer from Eczema, all you can think about is how you can get relief from your symptoms, especially the itching. You should be properly diagnosed by a physician so that the correct treatment is prescribed if required.

Since there are so many different types of eczema, your treatment will need to be designed to fit the kind you suffer from.

Eczema Treatment Options.

The main theme behind treatment for this condition is to soothe the various symptoms. Through medication and certain other changes in your life, eczema can be brought under control.

Part of the treatment usually involves making sure your skin has the moisture it needs to be healthy. Another part of the treatment usually involves soothing the allergic reaction your body is having towards something. You do have to know what the trigger is so this may take a bit of time to discover.

Along with preventing your skin from drying out by using moisturizers, avoiding harsh detergents and soaps, and not taking showers that are too hot, medications are also used. This is important if the specific trigger cannot be identified and removed from your life.

An antihistamine with hydroxyzine (Vistaril) or diphenhydramine (Benedryl) can be taken to relieve the itching when it is really bad.

There are over-the-counter hydrocortisone (steroid) creams you can topically apply to the affected areas. Also, the effective anti-itch creams that have a menthol and camphor in them or the calamine creams.

When the symptoms are severe enough an oral corticosteroid may need to be taken. Doctor’s do not encourage this type of treatment to be used long term, as there can be negative side effects with this drug.

Cyclosporine, which is one of the immunosuppressant drugs, can also be prescribed.

Light therapy using ultraviolet light can also prove effective for some sufferers.

There are some natural things that can be help eczema. Some of these remedies can include:

  • Coconut oil is proving a very effective natural treatment for eczema. Just apply it to the effective area and make sure to get the pure form free of chemicals and fragrances.
  • Bathing in an oatmeal bath can help some eczema sufferers by relieving the itching, however it can also make some conditions worse. You can use either a commercially-made oatmeal treatment, or make one at home using oatmeal from the store. The quantity of oats you would add to your bath would depend on how itchy you are. About 2 cups of the oatmeal makes a nice bath. Soak in it until the itching is relieved and make sure to moisturize after bathing.
  • Vitamin E is another natural way to help your eczema. You can apply a cream containing Vitamin E to your skin, along with taking vitamin E. It is a very effective antioxidant that nourishes your skin. This can help soothe the rashes that occur with eczema.



Natural Eczema Cure Revealed Natural Eczema Cure Revealed

Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.

Click here to download instantly 


Wishing you the best,

Stuart Johnstone.


Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2009.