Archive for the ‘What you need to know about Eczema’ Category
Pompholyx Eczema
Pompholyx Eczema.
Pompholyx eczema is also called dyshidrotic eczema. It is a blistery rash that is very deep rooted and is extremely itchy. It normally breaks out on the palms, soles, and the sides of a person’s fingers. Most professionals today believe this affliction is caused from an allergic reaction that is genetic in nature.
This type of eczema can affect all age groups but seems to be more common in men aged 20 to 50. It is most likely a reaction to something that the person has come in contact with that they are allergic to. Things like balsam, cobalt, and nickel can cause reactions. Nickel is commonly found in jewelry.
Certain things can make people suffer from pompholyx eczema, such as:
- Anxiety can make the skin more apt to develop disorders including pompholyx eczema. This is due to the fact that many people sweat more when they become anxious.
- Bacterial and other types of the skin infections can make the person at risk for this condition.
- Extremes in temperature at either end, high humidity, personal or genetic sinusitis or other respiratory conditions.
- Stress.
- Some professionals also believe that fungal infections in the body can spur on pompholyx eczema.
Treatments for pompholyx eczema are available. Treatments often include keeping the skin cool and dry, because when you become hot and sweaty it aggravates the condition.
Treatment can include antihistamines to help with the itching, compresses using Burow’s solution to help soothe the rash and lesions, and chelation therapy which helps with the effects of nickel exposure. Phototherapy has been found successful is some cases.
In severe cases of pompholyx eczema, immunosuppressant drugs may be used.
Corticosteroid creams topically applied help with the inflammation and itching. For severe cases the doctors might prescribe oral steroids, and topical and oral antibiotics can be used to fight off infections.
There are side effects to some of the treatments however. With the steroid creams, long term use can cause thinning of the skin. Using antibiotics sometimes cause a stomach upset, rash. Report any side effects to your doctor immediately. The doctor may prescribe a different medication.
The pompholyx eczema can completely heal if treated properly.
Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.
Click here to download instantly
Wishing you the best,
Stuart Johnstone.
Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2010.
Scalp Eczema
Scalp Eczema.
Among other things eczema scalp breakouts can be an unsightly problem. Your scalp has more sebaceous glands than other parts of the body. This actually makes it more at risk from eczema than other areas of the body. Eczema of the scalp belongs to the seborrheic dermatitis group.
Eczema commonly affects the areas of the body that have more oil such as the scalp. It can also affect the eyebrows, cheeks, nose, and parts of the eyelids. People can have trouble with acne in these areas as well, at least at certain stages in their lives.
Seborrheic eczema scalp disorder is a type of inflammation of the skin, the cause of which is currently unknown. Common symptoms are scaly, yellow, oily areas of the scalp, skin, and face. This can also occur on various other sections of your body.
Babies commonly have what is called cradle cap, this is a version of seborrheic eczema scalp disorder. Dandruff can also be a type of this problem. Itching can occur but is not necessarily a symptom.
Eczema scalp condition can be caused by stress, not shampooing enough, oily scalp, and even the weather. Hot weather that leads to you sweating a lot can bring on eczema of the scalp.
Common treatments for this type of eczema are medicated shampoos used at least twice times a week. These shampoos contain such things as selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, coal tar, salicylic acid and zinc pyrithione.
Treating the scalp with steroids will help if the scalp is itching but be aware of side effects. These are usually applied on the daily basis for several days throughout the day.
Tar cream is good for taking off scales and it is removed by shampooing the hair and the scalp.
In the event that the scalp is scaling badly you may be prescribed an ointment to help. This is best left in several hours overnight then shampooed out using a good shampoo containing tar. The hair may need moisturizing after using these shampoos but stay away from heavy conditioners.
Dealing with this problem can be an ongoing battle as it can return in between treatments. You will have to consult your doctor about how to deal with scalp eczema on a long-term basis.
With the right kind of treatment eczema on the scalp will not necessarily spread to other areas of the body. If it does spread to other parts of the body other medications may be prescribed to help control it.
Just remember that early attention to the eczema scalp condition can help control it faster. Consult with your physician at the first symptoms. Whether you need just a special shampoo or an ointment it is reassuring to know that there are ways to treat scalp eczema.
Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.
Click here to download instantly
Wishing you the best,
Stuart Johnstone.
Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2010.
Eyelid Eczema
Eyelid Eczema.
One skin disorder that can be tricky to treat is eyelid eczema. When eczema breaks out on your eyelids you need to be careful on how it is treated as you don’t want to damage or irritate your eyes. You will need to consult a doctor who will recommend most suitable treatment.
Eyelid eczema is not as common as other forms of eczema. It simply breaks out on the eyelids in the same way it does on other parts of the body. It starts as irritated skin that also flakes, itches, and has a red or rash-like appearance. This can be a painful, make the sufferer self conscious and it is tricky to treat.
An outbreak of this on the eyelids can make a person grab their dark glasses to hide their eyes from the world. It is also hard for the sufferer not to scratch the skin on the eyelids as the itch can be severe. Rather than become upset if you suffer from eyelid eczema, stay calm and determine the reason it is happening.
Contact with allergens is one of the prime causes for eczema to break out on the eyelids. This can be anything from cosmetics used on or around the eyes, to smoke and other irritants. People with allergies to plants can have trouble during certain times of the year. Of course, avoiding contact with the allergen normally helps this clear up.
Finding the allergen is not always easy. Sometimes an allergy test has to be given by a medical professional. You could also have a problem staying away from it if it is something you have to deal with in your job. Other times though it is a simple matter of trying different brands of cosmetics.
While eczema that occurs on the body will respond to light therapy, steroid creams, and various other medications. Some of these will not work with eyelid eczema, or they are simply not suitable for the eyelids. The facial area especially around the eyes is very delicate and can be affected by too harsh a treatment. Even the milder strengths of steroid creams can cause reactions when used on the eye area.
The light therapy could also hurt not just the eyelids but the eyes themselves affecting your vision.
If the eyelid eczema is mild you may just try some vitamin E oil on it. This may clear it up without hurting your eyes. If this does not work then consult your doctor to see what he recommends. Do not try anything but things you know are safe around the eye area. Talking to your doctor first is a necessity.
You could take antibiotics if needed to clear up infections if they occur. Oral antibiotics will not hurt the eyes.
Antihistamines could be prescribed to alleviate the itching for eyelid eczema. Please be aware though that some antihistamines have sedating effects and should therefore be used cautiously if you have to do such things as operate machinery or drive in the course of your day.
Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.
Click here to download instantly
Wishing you the best,
Stuart Johnstone.
Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2010.
Severe Eczema
Severe Eczema.
Is your skin dry, itchy, flaky, red and infected? If it is, you could have severe eczema. You probably take at least some care of your skin when it is normal and healthy, but when you suffer from severe eczema you need to be diligent with skin care.
You need to discover the reason for the eczema and the best way to control it. Below are some suggestions for treating your case of eczema.
Keep your skin hydrated properly, using the right kind of moisturizers for your skin. Avoid using detergent-based soap or cleansers on your skin. These can dry your skin out and lessen the effects of applying moisturizers to the skin. Even when using topical medications you can still moisturize your skin.
Many times when the severe eczema breaks out is treated by using corticosteroids. These are usually topically applied. This type of medication lowers the inflammation of the outbreak. There are various strengths of these medications available for use. The milder ones are for certain areas of the body that are more delicate such as the face. Children are better off with the milder strengths.
Stronger topical corticosteroids can be prescribed for adults or for anyone with a severe form of eczema. After the outbreak of severe eczema has been controlled with the stronger levels of medication then the milder ones should then be used to manage it, or in some cases no medication is needed at all.
You should regularly consult your doctor when using corticosteroids.
If infection occurs as part of the breakout of the severe eczema then further medications could be required. Staphyllococcus aureus is bacteria that can cause an infection within the patches of this disorder. When these infections happen antimicrobial medications need to be used. These could be anti-fungals, anti-virals, or antibiotics whichever the doctor deems necessary.
The antimicrobials can be either orally taken or topically applied depending on how serious the infection is. Sometimes the doctor will also recommend antiseptic moisturizers which will stop the infections from occurring in the first place.
Many individuals say the itching which comes with eczema can be unbearable. Antihistamines can be prescribed to alleviate this problem. Some do have sedating effects and should therefore be used cautiously if you have to do such things as operate machinery or drive in the course of your day.
However these antihistamines can keep you from scratching and opening the skin up to infections. They are usually best taken at night to help reduce the itching and allow you to sleep. Non-sedating antihistamines are available though if you need them.
Sometimes severe eczema can be so serious or non-responsive to other treatments that immunosuppressant drugs have to be used to get the problem under control. These are powerful drugs and you should be monitored carefully while taking these drugs.
Treatments using UVA and UVB light are another choice when the severe eczema is not responding to other treatments. There are some side effects from these types of treatment however. In particular, when these treatments have to be given for a long period of time there is a risk of the skin aging or even skin cancer occurring.
Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.
Click here to download instantly
Wishing you the best,
Stuart Johnstone.
Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2010.
Facial Eczema
Facial Eczema.
If you happen to be one of the many people suffering with facial eczema you know how frustrating it can be. Eczema breakouts include such things as inflammation, redness, bumps that are similar to those of pimples and dry itchy flaky skin. Sometimes infection and weeping take place with the facial eczema breakouts.
Having this all appear on your face and nearby areas can be most distressing.
As you cannot go around hiding your face like you can other parts of the body, this condition can make you very self conscious. It is therefore very important to seek treatment to help you cope with this condition. In other words you want to do what you can to clear your face up so you don’t feel like hiding.
If you are a woman suffering with facial eczema, it can be even more frustrating as wearing makeup and cosmetics can make this condition worse. In addition to this it can be hard for you to feel pretty and professional because at times you may even have to leave cosmetics off to clear up your face.
The good news however is that there are some cosmetics that can be okay to use, mainly the hypoallergenic type. Make sure that they are the kind that will not clog the pores.
The occurrence of facial eczema often happens because the body comes into contact with a substance it cannot deal with in a normal manner. The face and the body both can react by exhibiting the signs for eczema. Dry patches, rashes and even oozing sores can appear. Your face or body only has this method of communicating with you when things are not right.
So if your face has broken out with eczema chances are it has been exposed to something that you are allergic to. This could be things like soap, creams and other types of cosmetics. It could be anything that the face has come in contact with.
The only way to find out what caused your facial eczema is to leave all cosmetics, fragrances etc off, wash with water only – no soap, and then introduce them very slowly one by one and watch for a reaction to a specific substance.
It is probably best that you only introduce one substance i.e. blusher, lipstick, fragrance etc, per week. You have to do it slowly in order to pinpoint the cause of your facial eczema.
Ensure your diet does not include any foods that you are allergic to as this may also trigger facial eczema. You can have the doctor test you for food allergies in the event the eczema is a problem for you. This way you will know what to avoid in your diet.
Another factor is stress. Stress can affect all types of eczema, including facial eczema. The frustrating thing here is that if stress is causing facial eczema to occur, the sufferer often becomes increasingly stressed due to the appearance of the eczema on the face, and this in turn makes the condition worse.
The body reacts negatively to stress. Learn how to relax even when these episodes happen with your skin to lessen the effects that stress can bring on.
Treatment for facial eczema has the same purpose as any other types of this disorder. It is meant to get rid of the inflammation, itching, and to prevent the disorder from getting worse.
The treatment usually is a combination of changing certain things in your life, for example your cosmetics, and taking or applying certain prescribed medications. Applying moisturizer to your skin is an important part of any eczema treatment.
Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.
Click here to download instantly
Wishing you the best,
Stuart Johnstone.
Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2010.
Hand Eczema
Hand Eczema.
Hand eczema can be caused by variety of things. These things can include genetic factors, allergy, and injury to the skin due to irritants. This can condition can be brought on because due to a person’s work environment and is also called occupational dermatitis.
A break out of hand eczema can have varying degrees of severity. It could happen on the palms of the hands or the backs; it can even happen on both. The skin starts off being dry and red, it can then start to become very itchy along with vesicles, papules, cracking, scaling, swelling, and even weeping.
Infection can cause pain, formation of pustules and crusting. Long-term eczema on one’s fingers can cause the nails to deform. Eczema on the hands can wind up spreading to other areas of the body like the feet and areas of the arms.
Having wet hands a lot can bring on this type of eczema. The most common reason for eczema to occur is occupational exposure to detergents and chemicals. One prime example of a profession that suffers with this condition a lot is hairdressers. They have their hands in water, shampoo and chemicals for perms and colors. If they do not protect their hands with gloves they are at risk of developing hand eczema.
Housewives and mothers are also at risk of developing hand eczema as they have their hands in liquids that can cause irritation. House painters who have to deal with turpentine and such can also have difficulty. Irritants can actually damage the skin.
People can be allergic to certain substance or ingredient which can cause the break out of hand eczema. Latex gloves can cause allergic reactions in some; this as with all allergies can lead to more serious reactions than those on the skin.
The breakout may include itching, swelling, and red areas. These breakouts usually only last for a short time. However, sometimes it can lead to trouble breathing, hives, and even more serious symptoms. Of course this type of severe reaction is not the norm.
Other causes can be fragrances, nickel, and p-phenylenediamine (which the last ingredient is found in some hair coloring products). The good thing about this type of eczema is that once the cause is discovered, it is easily cured mainly by avoidance.
All types of eczema occurring on the hands can be treated fairly successfully though. In some severe cases the patients may need to change their job / role. Someone suffering with hand eczema should avoid coming into contact with irritants and having their hands wet.
They should also wear protection on their hands; try latex-free gloves if an allergy to latex has been found. Avoid wearing the gloves to the point of the hands sweating though because this could aggravate the condition. Be certain the gloves are sanitary on the inside.
The hand eczema sufferer should also use hand creams to prevent the hands from drying out. Reapply after each time you wash your hands. There are cases of hand eczema where a doctor may need to prescribe medication for the inflammation.
Topical steroids are often used in these cases in various strengths. They are usually applied twice a day. Further medications such as antibiotics either oral or topical might be recommended if your eczema is infected.
Learn more about Eczema and how to eliminate it in my ebook “Natural Eczema Cure Revealed” which you can download right now and immediately put to use.
Click here to download instantly
Wishing you the best,
Stuart Johnstone.
Copyright Stuart Johnstone 2010.
Eczema around eyes
I have eczema around my eyes and i dont know how to treat it. Im worried about using normal creams for eczema around eyes in case they do any damage to my eyes, can anyone advise me please?
Apart from it being sore and itchy, it looks horrible and makes me very self conscious!
New developments in severe eczema treatment
I suffer from severe eczema and it makes everyday life difficult. Most days I’m in pain from the cuts and really dry cracked skin. Does anyone know of any new developments in eczema treatment?
eczema cure?
hdtv asked:
is there an eczema cure?
in particular have scientists found a cure for eczema?
scratching in sleep
Constantly itchy skin is one of the worst things about my eczema. In general I have enough willpower not to srcatch during the day, but at night I can’t control scratching in my sleep! When I wake up every morning I am covered in fresh cuts and scratches and it is really demoralizing…. not to mention extremely sore!!!
Can anyone tell me how to stop scratching in sleep?